Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Recently while traveling Ashly and I encounter a bit of a mystery. While Ashley was depositing his pay, the bank was robbed by extra planar creatures. As a result we learned that that they were part of a larger group and where they were meeting.

We met some others who were interested and decided to investigate. I found a rather interesting drunk priest and convinced him  to join. Since then we stopped an attack on a train, found a murder of the Woodhem Mayor. We determined the Mayors wife killed him, apparently because the Mayor was having liaison with the Sheriff.

Now we're working our way through the a dungeon in the basement of a church in mentioned town. The church was run by a dark priest.

We've found a very odd hole in the fabric of the reality. It seems to be ether going to another plane or to the molten core. I'm including the information I can learn about it here and also drawling. Guess all those drawling lessons are paying off.

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